Non-Emergency Medical Transport

When we do it

  • We schedule transports 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
  • Regular hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
  • All trips after regular hours should be booked in advance. We will book trips for same day service; however, we are not an On-Demand service. 

What we do

We offer a full range of Ambulatory Non-Emergency Medical Transportation including:

  •  Airport Taxi to and from O’Hare (ORD) and Midway (MDW)
  •  Taxicab for Doctor Appointments, Hospital Admissions & Releases
  • Taxi Service to and from Dialysis Appointments
  • Cab Rides for Workman’s Compensation: Doctor & Physical Therapy
  • Taxi Shuttle for Senior Transportation: Inter-Facility Senior Centers, Nursing Home, Assisted Living, Independent Living and Adult Day Care
  • Family Gatherings and Outings
  • Private Car for Shopping Trips and Group Outings
  • Ride Sharing for School and Special Events
  • Courier and Pickup & Delivery

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Communities We Serve Best

For Communities We Serve Best we strive to Keep It Simple, and we use a Fixed Flat Rate™. The amount quoted includes two hours for the pick-up and return. There is no loading charge and no charge for additional passengers to attend the doctor or hospital appointment. 

The cost for non-emergency medical transportation for Ambulatory and Wheelchair transport is determined by the amount of time and distance traveled to pick-up and return home.

Ambulatory Round Trip:

  • $80.00 Regular Hours
  • $105.00 for Off Hours & Weekend Hours
  • $125.00 for Holidays

Scheduled & Recurring Transports

Please complete the Plan A Trip With Us intake form and we will provide a quotes based on your unique criteria. For scheduled transports we provide discounted Scheduled Transport Rates for situations when extended time (i.e., outpatient procedures) and/ or the pickup or destination is out of our Communities We Serve Best area. Please call us, and we will provide a quote based on your unique criteria. As part of the intake communication, we will ask you series of questions about the upcoming appointment so we can provide an accurate quote for the cost of services.

We provide discounts for Recurring Service.  Please call for an estimate based on the frequency of transports.

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Group Contact Name
Alternate Contact Name
Emergency Contact Name (Not on Bike Ride)

How much advance notice is needed? Contact us as soon as a medical appointment is scheduled. All transportation is booked on a first come-first served basis.

Our quotes are based on your unique appointment requirements. Please provide the transport details and we will quote a Fixed Flat Rate™ for the transport.

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Responsible Party Completing Form
Name of Person Being Transported
Is The Pickup Address Wheelchair Accessible ? ("Yes" "No")

We offer additional savings via a 5% Cash Discount, 10% Senior Discount, 10% Veteran Discount and 10% Loyalty Programs.

After we have received a quote how to do we pay for the transport? Please see Scheduling, Booking & Payment page to schedule and pay for the transport.

Can we cancel the transport and is there a charge for cancellations?  We do not charge for a cancellation with notice.  We understand sometimes things unexpectedly happen-appointments get canceled and rescheduled, people get too sick to go out, or someone ends up in the hospital. Please recognize that each trip on our schedule is a commitment of resources. All we ask is that you give us a courtesy call as soon as you know about the cancellation.
Terms & Conditions

Will you take me up or down stairs at my residence? Depending on the person’s weight, number of steps and type of wheelchair being used.  We may instruct you to call your local fire department and request a non-emergency stair carry. There is no fee for this service by the fire department.

  • Steps Single steps that are interrupted by a landing are never a problem for a standard wheelchair.
  • Stairs Two or more consecutive steps without a landing break in between are “‘stairs” for our purposes.

I have someone that can help with the stairs ““will there still need to be an extra driver?  Our insurance company does not allow us to use friends, neighbors, and relatives that are not trained to properly assist in a stair carry.

How do I cancel a trip?  Contact us at our main phone number 630-715-3455. If it is after hours, leave a voice mail and include the person’s name and date and time of the planned pick up. We will acknowledge the call via email, text to confirm the cancellation.
Text Now Call Now

Do we meet the driver outside? Your preference, the driver will meet you outside or come inside and take you out to the vehicle.

Will the driver wait and how do we get the driver to come back for us?

Office Visits:
We allow two hours from the time of pickup to the time we plan on returning the patient to their home.  Our drivers will wait until the doctor’s appointment is complete.  We leave a contact card with the office staff.  They will call us once the once the appointment is finished. If you prefer, you are more than welcome to call us and tell us the appointment is complete.  We use this approach since we do not assume everyone has a cell phone or is comfortable using it.  If the appointment goes past 5:00PM, we do not leave until all our transport passengers are returned home.

Hospital and Outpatient Procedures:

Depending upon the length and time of the procedure we may recommend scheduling a return pickup later to avoid excessive waiting charges.  We are aware that everyone is anxious to get home following the appointment and we do our best to manage the time we are schedule to transport a family member minimize the waiting time.

Is there a charge for waiting time? Every non-emergency medical transport company includes in the amount charged the distance traveled and the estimated time the transport will take to complete from pickup to drop off back home.  The miles driven to complete a transport never changes and the costs is fixed. However, the time needed to compete a transport can be unpredictable since the time spent at a doctor’s office or hospital outpatient procedure can exceed the time quoted.

To keep it simple and fair to our customers we include in our base rate for the Communities We Serve Best two hours of time to complete a transport to and return to the original pick-up address.  If the total transport time exceeds two hours, we bill waiting time at $60.00 per hour in 15-minute increments.

Obviously, the more we know about the patient’s appointment the more accurately we can estimate the total cost of services provided.  This is why during scheduling we ask intake questions about the transport to help us accurately estimate the total time required.  We know our customers do no like surprises.

My family member will be traveling alone. Will the driver get them into the house? If your family member is traveling alone, we will make sure they are safely inside their home and settled in before leaving and they lock the door.  If you request, we will make a courtesy call to let you know the transport is complete.

What if my Family Member has a Medical Emergency? All medical emergencies such as signs of stroke, heart attack, loss of consciousness, or other life-threating issues will result in a 911 call by the driver. Drivers are trained to safely pull out of traffic, call 911, prepare the passenger to evacuate the vehicle and render basic first aid until the paramedics arrive.

Should I tip the driver? Tipping is not necessary. Your sincere recommendation to others who need our services is what we hope to achieve.

Covid-19 Procedures? In response to the Covid-19 epidemic take the following precautions for the safety of our customers and drivers.

  • Our drivers wear gloves and masks.
  • Between each transport all contact surfaces are disinfected.
  • At the end of each workday vehicles are disinfected.

Do you bill insurance? Most health insurance carriers do not cover the cost of transportation to and from a medical appointment except in certain cases where an emergency ambulance is required. We will provide you a detailed receipt for tax or reimbursement purposes.

Do you bill Medicare?  Medicare does not reimburse non-emergency transportation providers directly.

What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?  Medicare is the federal government run medical insurance program for senior citizens.  Illinois Medicaid is a state-run medical program for low-income people and those with disabilities, sometimes called ‘public aid’. Illinois Medicaid provides transportation for qualified recipients for certain authorized medical appointments.

Why do I have to pay now I did not have to during my last rehab facility stay?  The answer is that every healthcare facility and situation is different. Some facilities build in transportation in the room cost. Inquire with facility what they will and will not cover in terms of a patient’s transportation expense.

When do you bill for the transport?  Payment is always requested at time of service. Generally, Visa, MasterCard or Discover credit card information is taken at the time the trip is booked. The card is not charged until after the trip is completed and waiting time is known. Personal checks or cash are also accepted.
Scheduling, Booking & Payment  Discount & Loyalty Programs

Can someone come with me on the trip?  Yes, we encourage family members to ride along and there is no charge.

Can you transport using a wheelchair? Not at this time but we anticipate doing so in the near future.

Can you transport using a stretcher?  Our vehicles are not equipped for this type of transportation service.  In these cases, we suggest using a non-emergency ambulance.

Can you take people to the hospital Emergency Room? No, we are not an ambulance service and are not able to provide medical assistance or monitoring in transit. For medical emergencies, always call 911.

What if the doctor wants me to go directly to the hospital for further tests or admission? If during an office visit a physician decides the patient should be seen in the hospital. We can do this at the physician’s request if the patient is medically stable as determined by the doctor.

What happens if I have a medical emergency while going to my appointment? The driver will pull the vehicle out of traffic and call 911. Our drivers are not paramedics, EMT’s or medical personnel.

Do you do Long Haul transports?  Yes, but they can only be scheduled in advance.  Please call us for a quote.

Do you transport bariatric patients?  Not at this time, you should call an ambulance company that specializes in transporting bariatric patients.

People are often stressed when trying to get someone in a wheelchair to a medical appointment.

We offer the following suggestions to help make patients have a safe, comfortable, and uneventful transport.

For Family Members

  • Make sure everyone used the restroom.
  • If incontinence is a concern, bring a change of undergarments, gloves, and wipes in a handbag.
  • Find the leg rests that came with the wheelchair. It is especially important that anyone traveling in a wheelchair uses the leg rests for safety and comfort.
  • Have your family member’s medical insurance cards, photo id and list of current medications and doses with you. Medical offices and hospitals ask for them at every appointment.
  • If the appointment is at a hospital for an out-patient procedure or imaging, we suggest you have a copy of the doctor’s orders or script with you in case the registration desk cannot locate it in their system.
  • Bring a small blanket or throw. While we make every effort to keep the vehicle cabin comfortable the temperature in medical offices, and especially hospitals can vary. 

For Nurses and other Professional Caregivers

  • Communicate with the patient where they are going, why they are going, and who they are going to see.
  • Be sure they have been toileted and any foley or colostomy bags emptied.
  • The patient should be in the wheelchair with leg rests attached.
  • If they are on oxygen, they should be on a fresh tank. We recommend a second full tank for the trip anytime the patient requires more than 2 LPM.
  • The patient should be dressed warmly enough for the day. A blanket on the lap goes a long way in providing comfort.
  • Please make sure medications have been given ahead of time -especially pain medications.
  • Have the patient’s medical paperwork printed out and ready for the driver. 

Download/ view PDF file of the medical facilities and assisted living facilities we serve. HERE

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